In process...


Searching Flights...

This operation could take a few minutes, depending on the speed of the airlines systems.

You are searching for
Flight : -
Departing :
Returning :
passengers : Adult x Child x
Cabin class :
  • How can I make an inquiry to TICKET2.HK?

    TICKET2.HK Customer Center

    852-3678 2038

    Business hours: Monday to Friday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM (HKT)

    You can also contact us via the Inquiry Form 

  • Can I hold a flight reservation for payment later?

    Fares and availability are dynamic change, we DO NOT hold or reserve any fare and seat. Please make a new search before make payment.

  • I am enrolled in a mileage plan. Can I get mileage with TICKET2.HK?

    Mileage is handled by airlines, please contact airline directly with airline confirmation number which can be found on the copy of the e-ticket.

  • I am trying rebook my flight but I cannot find any at the price/time I found before.

    Fares and availability are dynamic change, please make a new search before make payment.

session.transactionID: c7eef5c6-a469-4523-a768-8c7f14b5c83f